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Сладости от Зины (на правах рекламмы)
Soldier of
Soldier of


Deep Purple

I have often told you stories

[ai] [hxv] [Ofn] [tould] [jH][stLriz] Я часто рассказывал тебе истории

About the way

[q'baut] [Dq] ['wei] о дороге

I lived the life of a drifter

[ai] [livid] [Dq] ['laif] [Ov] [q] [driftq] Я вел жизнь скитальца

Waiting for the day

[weitiN] [fO] [Dq] [dei] Ожидая тот день,

When I'd take your hand

[wen] [aid] [teik] [jL] [hxnd] когда я возьму тебя за руки

And sing you songs.

[xnd] [siN] [jH] ['sON] и спою тебе песни.

Then maybe you would say

[Dqn] ['meibJ] [jH] [wud] [sei] Потом, может, быть ты скажешь:

Come lay with me and love me

[kAm] [lei] [wiD] [mJ] [xnd] [lAv] [mJ] "Иди ложись со мной и люби меня"

And I would surely stay.

[xnd] [ai] [wud] ['Suqli] [stei] И я, конечно, останусь с тобой.

But I feel I'm growing older

[bAt] [ai] ['fJl] [aim] [grou] ['ould] Но я чувствую, как становлюсь старше

And the songs that I have sung

[xnd] [Dq] ['sON] [Dxt] [ai] [hxv] [sAN] И песни, которые я спел

Echo in the distance

['ekou] [in] [Dq] ['distqns] Эхом отдаются на рассоянии

Like the sound

[laik] [Dq] [saund] Как звук

Of a windmill going round.

[Ov] [q] ['winmil] ['gouiN] ['raund] Вращающихся крыльев ветряной мельницы

I guess I'll always be

[ai] [ges] [ail] ['Llwqz] [bJ] Я думаю, что я всегда буду

A soldier of fortune.

[q] ['soulGq] [Ov] ['fLCqn] Солдатом удачи

Many times I've been a traveler

['meni] ['taims] [aiv] [bJn] [q] [trxvlq] Я много странствовал

I looked for something new.

[ai] [lukt] [fL] ['sAmTiN] ['njH] Я искал что-то новое

In days of old

[in] [deiz] [Ov] ['ould] В былые времена

When nights were cold

[wen] ['naits] [wW] ['kould] Когда ночи были холодные

I wandered without you

[ai] [wOndqrid] [wiD'aut] [jH] Я блуждал без тебя

But those days I thought my eyes

[bAt] [Douz] [deiz] [ai] ['TLt] [mai] ['ais] Но в то время мне казалось, что мои глаза

Had seen you standing here

[hxd] [sJn] [jH] ['stxndiN] [hiq] Раньше видели, как ты стояла здесь

Tho' blindness is confusing

[TO] ['blaindnis] [iz] [kqn'fiHziN] Хотя слепота сбивает с толку

It shows that you're not here.

[it] [Souz] [Dxt] [juq] [nOt] [hiq] Она показывает, что тебя здесь нет

But I feel I'm growing older

[bAt] [ai] ['fJl] [aim] [grou] ['ould] Но я чувствую, как становлюсь старше

And the songs that I have sung

[xnd] [Dq] ['sON] [Dxt] [ai] [hxv] [sAN] И песни, которые я спел

Echo in the distance

['ekou] [in] [Dq] ['distqns] Эхом отдаются на рассоянии

Like the sound

[laik] [Dq] [saund] Как звук

Of a windmill going round.

[Ov] [q] ['winmil] ['gouiN] ['raund] Вращающихся крыльев ветряной мельницы

I guess I'll always be

[ai] [ges] [ail] ['Llwqz] [bJ] Я думаю, что я всегда буду

A soldier of fortune.

[q] ['soulGq] [Ov] ['fLCqn] Солдатом удачи

Yes, I can hear the sound

['jes] [ai] [kxn] [hiq] [Dq] [saund] Да, я слышал звук

Of a windmill going round.

[Ov] [q] ['winmil] ['gouiN] ['raund] Вращающихся крыльев ветряной мельницы

I quess I'll always be

[ai] [ges] [ail] ['Llwqz] [bJ] Я думаю, что я всегда буду

A soldier of fortune.

[q] ['soulGq] [Ov] ['fLCqn] Солдатом удачи

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